






 Management Committee



 Contact Information


The Probus Club of Western Ottawa is part of the international organization of Probus Clubs designed to serve the retired and semi-retired community.

Our club meets on the second Tuesday of each month except during July and August.
The morning begins at 10:00 a.m. for  socialization and signing up for activities followed by a speaker. Topics are varied, interesting and stimulating.

Special social events and outings occur throughout the year.

Western Ottawa Probus meets at the Kanata Baptist Church,
465 Hazeldean Road, Kanata

Visitors are welcome!

Andra Smith   At our February meeting James Powell delighted us with a number of rarely told stories from Ottawa's history. There were tales of missing and altered portraits, a hovercraft company that went bankrupt. a young ottawa socialite who became a German Foreign Minister and was hanged post WWII, something called the chicken cannon, an aerial invasion from the USA and tons of European gold transported and stored in Ottawa. There are many more stories on the Historical Society of Ottawa website.

Latest News

The website will not be updated until 12 March

- March Speaker:  Tom Zagon
- February Probus Pilot Newsletter
- Luncheon at the East India Company

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This Page - Last Revised 18 Feb 2025