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Tuesday 22 October


popupMud Lake Walk

Meet at 10:30

   Mud Lake is located in the Britannia area  which can be accessed from Howe St. & Britannia Road or via Greenview Ave.
   The hike can be varied from 3 to 5km mostly on flat terrain. Mud Lake is a habitat for a wide diversity of animal species and is recognized as one of the most popular urban sites for birdwatching in Canada.
   We will depart from the Britannia Park Trolley Station (near the Ron Kolbus Lakeside Ctr.)  Parking is available at the Britannia Parking lot.

Bring your camera.

We will go rain or shine, so dress appropriately. Please also ensure you are wearing the appropriate footwear..

See map below.

Beaver Pond

Photos from our September Brockville Tunnel visit and October Beaver Pond Nature Walk

Brockville TunnelBeaver Pond walk

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